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About the GNOPC

God wants a visible expression of Jesus through His Church and the only culture we seek is the Kingdom of God.

God has a wineskin in mind for this region and we must walk together in order to see that wineskin come to reality.  Principalities over this region can be displaced and lives transformed only through the unity of the Spirit in the Church of New Orleans under the lordship of Jesus Christ.  Effective, enduring evangelism can take place only where transformation has cancelled backbiting, racism, and division.

True Transformation

Prayer Walk 2012-1.jpg

Transforming Prayers

The Greater New Orleans Pastors Coalition believes:

  1. God sees only one Church in the GNO area and it meets in many locations.

  2. The mobilization of local congregations best facilitates evangelism and discipleship and reflects the unity of the Body of Christ.

  3. When one congregation prospers, the Body of Christ is strengthened. When one congregation suffers, we all hurt.

  4. The Church of GNO is strengthened when pastors and people affirm one another.

  5. The corporate witness of the Church is enhanced when pastors and people affirm one another and serve together.

  6. The Body of Christ should continue to grow until every person in the GNO area is given the opportunity to become a follower of Christ.

  7. Servant ministries and mission agencies are valuable expressions within the Body of Christ and congregations are encouraged to partner with them.

  8. As the Body of Christ, we are compelled to respond to the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of our community.

  9. Above all, we seek God' vision for the city as a whole and develop a missionary strategy common to all, truly impacting the city with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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True Transformation

We believe that transformation will begin in the body of Christ.  The people of God would totally love Him, believe Him, and embrace Him by following His word.  The end result would be every believer living honest, moral lives that would become visible expressions of Jesus Christ on the earth.

Only the manifest presence of God can bring true, everlasting transformation.  His presence would bring the grace to be transformed, as well as the blessing, favor, love, power, and compassion of the Father flowing into and through His people.   Then, notable changes in the church, government, business, family, education, arts, entertainment, sports and media will be apparent.  

This transformation requires a paradigm shift primarily in the body of Christ.  It will not be just one church or denomination; rather, it will be the church of New Orleans united in Christ that God will use.   God's people will have to lead the way to transformation.  We have His truth, His Spirit, His grace and His power to make these changes.  We do not want God to raise up relief and deliverance from some other place.

To see this happen, pastors must lead the way.  Priorities will need to be rearranged for prayer times, strategy sessions, and growing relationships with other pastors in the city.  We will begin to change from "my church" outlook to the Kingdom of God outlook.  We will see relationships with local government officials as well as business owners changing from "What can you do for me?"  to "How does God want this done?"  It will be a city coming to Kingdom principles and experiencing the righteousness of God as a whole.   

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City Transforming Prayers

Definition of transformation:  To change in composition or structure, outward form or appearance, character or condition

Only the manifest presence of God can bring true, everlasting transformation.  The presence of God would include His blessing, favor, love, power, and compassion seen outwardly in our daily living.  His presence would affect the following areas:

  1. Religious

  2. Business

  3. Arts, Entertainment, Sports

  4. Government

  5. Families

  6. Education

  7. Media

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Greater New Orleans Pastors' Coalition


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We can be reached at the following:
GNOPC, 6550 LaPalco Blvd., Marrero, LA 70072

©2017 by Greater New Orleans Pastors Coalition.

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